About Us
The Asociación de la Industria del Salmón de Chile A.G. (Chilean Salmon Industry Association) has over 30 years’ experience, and brings together the principal companies producing and supplying Atlantic and Pacific salmon and trout.
The association’s main objective is to work together nationally and internationally to address the health, environmental, regulatory, social and financial challenges facing the sector, placing sustainability as its driving force.
We operate in the La Araucanía, Los Lagos, Chiloé and Aysén regions.
Andrés Parodi
Salmones Cupquelán S.A.
Andrés Santa Cruz
Salmones Blumar S.A.
Andrés Lyon L.
Australis Seafoods S.A.
Arturo Clément D.
Asociación de la Industria del Salmón A.G.
Bernd Wrege
Edgardo García
Fiordo Austral
Felipe Briones
Cultuvos Yadrán S.A.
Gastón Cortéz
Salmones Pacific Star S.A.
Germán malig
Sociedad Comercial Agrícola y Forestal Nalcahue Ltda.
José Luis Vial
Ventisqueros S.A.
José Ramón Gutiérrez
Multiexport Foods S.A.
Juan Pablo Barrales
Innovasea Marine Systems Chile SpA.
Juan Pablo Núñez
Aquasmolt Ltda.
Nocolás Eblén H.
Granja Marina Tornagaleones S.A.
Pedro Courard D.
Cermaq Chile
Ricardo García H.
Salmones Camanchaca S.A.